All Saints' Cathedral

An intersection between
God & the world

All Saints' Cathedral is a prayerful and holy space where the Transcendent and ordinary meet; equipping people to go forth bringing hope, forgiveness, and healing to the world.

Annual Meeting Notice: January 26, 2025

Save the date for All Saints’ Cathedral’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26. There will be one combined service at 9 a.m., followed by the Annual Meeting. Thanks to everyone who attended the listening sessions in fall 2024 regarding the merger of The Cathedral Corporation and All Saints’ Cathedral, Inc. An updated version of the bylaws is posted above. We will be voting to accept this merger and new bylaws at the meeting. Reach out to Dean Carroll or any member of Chapter/Vestry if you have questions.



Prayer is a moving experience in the sacred walls of our beautiful cathedral church and deep within the hearts of the faithful. Weekday masses, Sunday services, and special occasions fill parishioners and guests with meaningful moments of sacred prayer, tradition, and music.

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All Saints’ members are passionate about sharing our gifts and serving others. From our Hunger Book Sale raising money to feed the hungry, to clothing drives, and community outreach events in our gardens, we live God’s word through prayer and deeds.



We reach beyond ourselves to share the beauty of our cathedral and warmth of our parishioners through such outreach as community events, music offerings, interfaith programs, and prayer services in response to tragic events in our city, our country, and the world.



While our services are filled with ancient traditions, our All Saints’ community is open, informal, and welcoming to all. We are a diverse group representing different educational and socio-economic backgrounds, political beliefs, and prior faith traditions, united in faith and fellowship. All Saints’ is a place of respect and union where all are welcome.

Service of holy eucharist

sundays 8 am & 10 am


All Saints’ Cathedral has been at the heart of the Diocese of Wisconsin since 1873.  The cathedral was actually the first planned cathedral of the Episcopal Church in the United States. From the day it opened, it has remained a house of prayer steeped in tradition, yet remains responsive to the needs and concerns of the day.

