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Join Dean Kevin Carroll and the Canon for Online Formation, the Rev. Dr. Robert Slocum as they explore the readings for the Great Vigil of Easter.
This Lenten formation series will be held on Zoom each Thursday during Lent at 6:30 p.m.
Zoom Invitation
Lenten Bible Study - Readings for the Easter Vigil
Time: Mar 13, 2025 06:30 PM CST
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Meeting ID: 860 8570 8188
Passcode: 460227
The readings for the Vigil draw on the Hebrew Scriptures, and explore the unfolding relationship between God and humanity. We will look at how the lessons of Genesis and the Prophets are just as relevant today, as they were 3000 years ago. The discussion will also cover the meaning of the actual Vigil service.
The texts for each evening are:
03/27/25 Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21
Israel’s deliverance at the Red Sea
04/03/25 Ezekiel 37:1-14
The Valley of the Dry Bones
Guest Presenter: Rabbi Noah Chertkoff,
Senior Rabbi at Congregation Shalom, Milwaukee
04/10/25 Zephaniah 3:14-20
The Gathering of God's People
Guest Presenter: Garwood Anderson, Ph.D.,
The Donald J. Parsons Professor of Biblical Interpretation,
Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Nashotah, WI