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Advent Series

Click the image above to join the Advent Series via Zoom!

During COVID we learned that it is possible to have formational opportunities attended by people on platforms like Zoom and Facebook Live. With the assistance of Fr. Rob Slocum, our new Assistant Dean for Virtual and On-line Formation, we are developing a series of formational opportunities that people can attend either in person at All Saints’, or online via their computer, phone, iPad, or other devices.

The first will be an Advent series on November 30, December 7, and December 14, looking at how we search for and find God in our loud and confusing world. We will have a potluck supper in the Guild Hall at 6:00, and the program will start at 6:45 in the library. The program will also be streamed on Zoom and our Facebook page. People watching remotely will be able to participate fully through either platform. Click the image above to join via Zoom!

In the great commission, Jesus charged his disciples to spread the gospel message to “make disciples of all the nations.” (Matt. 28:19) Through the miracle of the internet All Saints’ literally has a worldwide presence.

Earlier Event: December 13
Zoom Bible Study
Later Event: December 18
Holy Eucharist