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Evensong + Benediction

Rest easy after the peace-inducing services of Evensong and Benediction on Sunday, February 28, at 4:00 p.m.

A 470-year-old Anglican tradition, Evensong is so-named for the ‘song’ of voices heard at the ‘even’ point between the active day and restful night, allowing listeners time for restful contemplation. Musical selections include Thomas Morley’s fauxbourdon settings of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis; one of Robert White’s settings of Christe, qui lux es et dies newly-arranged for the occasion; and the 44th setting from 50 Elevations for Organ on Modal Themes by Dom Paul Benoit, O.S.B. Music director Mx. Daniel Koplitz and organist Mr. Lee Erickson will be joined by choral scholar Ms. Kendra Kabara, whose biography is listed below.

A service of Benediction immediately follows Evensong. At this service, the blessed host of the Eucharist is placed in the presence of the people in a monstrance. The service reminds us that Christ is present in the sacrament of the altar and as such, present in our world. Prayer is offered, and we are reminded of the Grace conferred in the Eucharist.

Please submit any prayer requests to Fr. Kevin using the button below.

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Kendra Kabara

Ms. Kendra Kabara, soprano, is in her second year of study at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in vocal performance. A second-year choral scholar at All Saints', Kendra was a member of the Milwaukee Children’s Choir for 9 years and sang with them while they were artists-in-residence at the cathedral. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue a career in performance and music education.

Earlier Event: February 28
Morning Coffee Hour
Later Event: March 3
The Dean's Forum